Consultancy for the situational Analysis on human rights, conflicts and climate change and how they impact food security of pastoralists
May 19, 2022Joint Coalition Submission
April 12, 2023CEMIRIDE is a implementing a Rights-based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasants1 Communities (RAISE) project as part of a Consortium. The project is funded by Swiss Agency for Development Corporation (SDC) The overall goal of this project is contribute to the realization of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) by strengthening the right to food and other human rights in food systems, thereby, enhancing sustainable access to healthy, safe and nutritious food for the most marginalized groups affected by hunger and malnutrition. The County CSA-MSP thus becomes a critical platform to enhance the awareness of duty bearers on peasants’ rights to bring forward their implementation.
Through RAISE, CEMIRIDE seeks to create awareness and enhance capacities of peasants (in Kenya’s case pastoralists) regarding their rights as enshrined in the UNDROP and other relevant rights as a way towards food security and climate justice.
The objectives of the RAISE project are:
1. To improve peasants’ knowledge on their rights and empower them to claim their rights.
2. To enhance the awareness of duty bearers on peasants’ rights to bring forward their implementation.
3. To contribute to the strengthening of global frameworks on peasants’ rights through influencing UN mechanisms.
4. To create global awareness on peasants’ rights to advance its implementation.
Through the project a number of outputs have already been achieved
Under Outcome 1: Peasants know their rights and are empowered to claim them
a. the communities are being engaged in the review of the legislative and institutional frameworks in food systems among them; the land, conflict and climate change policy with a view to integrate pastoralists rights and concerns/issues needs and interests including participation and involvement in decision making and actions. The engagement is ongoing and the framework will be launched soon.
b. Involved in the development of a National CSA – MSP strategic plan (2022-2026) which aims at Safeguarding the interests of indigenous peoples (IPs), (including women, youth, persons with disability, and marginalized groups in climate action, with focus on pastoralist communities. The strategic plan was launched on 15th March, 2022 in which peasants participated. It provides for an opportunity to meaningfully engage peasants in agroecological actions.
Photo captured by Stellah Listeche at Sagana Getaway Resort, Kenya on 12th April, 2021 during Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Multi-Stakeholder Platform Steering Committee planning retreat, Social Inclusivity Thamatic Working Group. In the photo are: Leah Wanja – Women Farmers Association of Kenya and Owuonda Salome – CEMIRIDE
c. CEMIRIDE organized Climate Smart Agriculture Multistakeholder Platform meeting in Baringo County on 12th July, 2022 to strengthen the County Climate Smart Agriculture Multi Stakeholder Platform, lobby for meaningful participation of the local pastoralist community and sensitize the platform on UNDROP and its application in agroecology
d. CEMIRIDE organized Climate Smart Agriculture Multistakeholder Platform meeting in Kajiado County on 21st July, 2022 to establish the County Climate Smart Agriculture Multi Stakeholder Platform, lobby for meaningful participation of the local pastoralist community and sensitize the platform on UNDROP and its application in agroecology
e. The design a communications strategy on food security and Human rights in the context of UNDROP for the public domain in Kenya including sensitization and awareness through radio, website, social media, workshops and meetings including village meetings is ongoing. Project banners have been also produced and are used during the workshops for publicity of the project. A RAISE specific page on the CEMIRIDE website, which is used regularly to communicate the outputs of the project to partners and general population, has been designed and uploaded.
Under Outcome 2: Duty bearers are aware of peasants’ rights and ensure their implementation
a. The community is being engaged, through a consultant, in the review of the legislative and institutional frameworks in food systems among them; the land, conflict and climate change policy with a view to integrate pastoralists rights and concerns/issues needs and interests including participation and involvement in decision making and actions. The engagement is ongoing and the framework will be launched in the next quarter.
b. CEMIRIDE involved in the development of a National CSA – MSP strategic plan (2022-2026) which aims at Safeguarding the interests of indigenous peoples (IPs), (including women, youth, persons with disability, and marginalized groups in climate action, with focus on pastoralist communities. The strategic plan was launched on 15th March, 2022 in which representatives of peasants under Activity 2.1 participated. It provides for an opportunity to meaningfully engage peasants in agroecological actions.
c. Designed a training curriculum on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Planning and Budgeting for Climate Change Adaptation Investments in Agricultural Sector. The curriculum includes UNDROP as one of its legislative and policy frameworks reference documents. Over 100 senior agriculture county officers trained in the roll out of the developed training curriculum.
d. Using the CSA-MSP platform, duty bearers’ awareness on peasant’s rights was enhanced by CEMIRIDE during the consultative meetings in Baringo and Kajiado Counties.
e. CEMIRIDE Examined and identified the capacities of duty bearers to effectively engage with indigenous peoples, including pastoralists from a rights-based approach, in formulating and implementing policy, legislative and programmes on food systems.
f. Developed a policy brief tilted “transformative tool for adaptive local weather forecasting using indigenous and traditional indicators to strengthen local agro-climate resilience at scale”
Under Outcome 3: Global frameworks on peasants’ rights are strengthened through influencing UN mechanisms
a. CEMIRIDE Organised a side event during the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights review of Kenya’s 12th and 13th Periodic Report covering the period 2015-2020 where the Civic space for CSOs and indigenous peoples was strengthened to guide future programmes. to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
b. Lobbied the Special Rapporteur to the Right to Food for the protection of Indigenous peoples’ right to be free from hunger as declared by the United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas on the International Peasant Day of 17 April 2022.
Under Ouctome 4: Global awareness among potential alliance partners is created to further advance peasant rights
a. CEMIRIDE participated in the campaign to bring FAO to account for the involvement with pesticide CropLife group of companies whose products abuse human right to a health productive life. The campaign led to a recent high-level meeting On July 25, 2022, between representatives from PAN, FIAN, IITC and IPEN with FAO Deputy Director General Beth Bechdol and her colleagues in the Project Support, Partnerships, and Plant Protection divisions.
b. Made a presentation at the Rural Women Assembly of South Africa capacity building workshop on 4th July on the CEMIRIDE’s experience of using the UN mechanism/machinery to advocate for human rights and share lobbying strategies in the context of UNDROP advocacy.
c. RBM made a presentation on the role of African Human Rights Mechanisms to realization of resilience of marginalized communities to climate change and improvement of their food security, during the African Commission side event emphasizing that governments must understand and implement their laws with regard to the UNDROP
Consortium members: