CEMIRIDE has strengthened and amplified the voices of minorities and indigenous peoples in key processes contribution to the protection and promotion of their rights. Specifically,

  • CEMIRIDE also successfully campaigned and advocated the recognition of minorities in the 2010 constitution (Article 56, 100, and 260 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010)
  • Public interest litigation for Endorois, Ogiek and Nubians land rights led to recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples in Kenya and hence secured their rights to their lands, as well as go back control of their hitherto dispossessed lands
  • The Great Trek Campaign successfully led to the construction of Moyale-Isiolo highway
  • CEMIRIDE has empowered and facilitated communities e.g., Ogiek, Sengwer, Ilchamus, Terik (Nyang’ori), Boni, El-molo to engage with relevant process from local (eg. TJRC) to international levels (eg UN and AU Conferences) through which these communities have successfully advocated for the protection of their rights.
  • Influenced the devolution discourse through the work with MIPs under the PHGEMN – Pastoralists and Hunter Gatherer’s and Ethnic Minorities Network
  • Influenced set-up of institutions specifically focused on pastoralist communities e.g., Ministry of Northern Kenya
  • Strengthened capacity of civil society organisations focussing on MIPs rights to advocate for their rights such as PDNK [Pastoralists Development Network of Kenya], LPWK [League of Pastoralist Women of Kenya] and the PPG [Pastoralists Parliamentary Group].
  • Influenced the enactment of legal instruments [policy, laws and by-laws] that have promoted and protected rights of MIPs e.g., National Policy on Development of Arid and Semi-Arid
  • Successfully developed and strengthened minorities and indigenous peoples' networks, enabling the creation of a critical mass for effective lobbying and advocacy of minority and indigenous peoples' rights
  • Researched and published informative reports and policy briefs on various issues and concerns of minorities that have positively influenced policy debate and formulation in Kenya.

Join the cause to support minorities and indigenous peoples