Stories of Change

  • June Bartuin wins the Youth Peace Challenge 2024
    June Bartuin, a 28-year-old member of the Endorois community, belongs to a minority group residing in Baringo County. Historically, this pastoral community had experienced many challenges; […]
  • Are the Voices of the minority loud enough?
    The Yiaku indigenous community has over the years been silenced, and their civic space narrows every day as issues pertaining to their rights are discussed in […]

Why Cemiride

Over the past 20 years, CEMIRIDE, the only Kenyan advocacy organisation on minorities and indigenous peoples’ rights has developed a definite technical expertise and credibility on minorities and indigenous peoples’ rights with regards to jurisprudence, empowerment, participation, developing and sustaining networks, and experience in international level advocacy.

We work with minorities and indigenous communities (pastoralist, forest and fisher communities). According to the 2019 Census, the first time that Kenyan population was disaggregated by ethnicity, Indigenous Communities are 9,089,603, about 19% of Kenya’s total population. Through partnerships with communities, development partners, government, private sector, and donors, we have successfully delivered CEMIRIDE programmes in Governance, Climate Change and Access to Justice. Our diligence and expertise in minorities and indigenous peoples’ rights in Kenya has drawn different organisations to work with us.

Who we work with


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Join the cause to support minorities and indigenous peoples